Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Front Fender Repair

I have the front left wing off the Rover.  Its a bit crumpled, not sure how that happened since it was like that when i bought the vehicle.  I have a second hand fender that is in a bit better shape but the front panel on it has been cut up. So the solution is to take the best parts of both fenders and mate them together.  Since the front panel is in the worst shape I am going to start with getting it straight.

Here is the original front Fender.

And the second hand fender I picked up from someone in the Land Rover club.

I have taken the front panel off of the original.

I took a few pics to show just how bent up it was.

Three coats of paint stripper to get it almost bare.

I took out a few of the large dents.  It still needs a bit more work, which I will do over the next few days.  And I am going to attempt to anneal it at some point as well to see how that affects the ability to work it.

I am determined to get this thing fixed though, a new one is $260 CDN and I am way to cheap to lay that kind of money out on this thing when I know I can get it to half decent shape.

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