Friday, April 29, 2016

More Heavy Metal

Did I mention that there are one ton push bars on the back of the Rover as well?  They are hideous and have got to go.  The bars are made from two inch pipe with 1/4 inch thick wall and are reinforced with one inch square solid bar.  These things are intense.  Not sure what the purpose was for them but I can guarantee you anything hit by these things would have been no match for the Rover.

I used the same reciprocating saw I used on the front 'roo bars' to get the rear bars off.  I went through 3 blades but they cut through the steel no problem.  And if you are wondering about the giant bumper, yes it is coming off as well.

See, now doesn't that look better? I am going to take of the lights and the Land Rover plaque next and see if I can clean up the galvanized trim.  Not quite sure how to fix that hole left by the reinforcing bar.  I guess I will just add it to the list of aluminum work that needs to be done.

The empty engine stand is just sitting there, ready for that engine once I get it pulled out.  I have a few jobs to get done first before that happens!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Galvanized Trim

With all of the trim off the doors I could start to clean it up.  This included getting rid of all of the old paint of the aluminum bits, the galvanized trim and the steel hinges.  I used some paint remover to get the old paint off since I was worried what sanding would do to the finish.

It worked very well and now you can really see the nice pattern on the trim caused by the galvanizing. I put on the paint remover and let is sit for about a half hour, then using some steel wool and a razor blade the old paint just came right off.

I will have to put a second coat on to get all the rest of it but overall I am quite happy with how it worked and that I was able to preserve the coating.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Stripping the doors

The doors on the rover have considerable surface rust on the steel frame but on the whole are in decent shape.  There is no major dings in the aluminum and they are straight.  They have been completely painted, including all of the galvanized trim and aluminum bits.  The glass is original and complete.  I have read that the Canadian models of Rovers came in a couple extra choices for paint, one of them being Highway Yellow.  The other option that made them uniquely Canadian is the fact that the doors are one piece.  The intent was to keep the nasty Canadian winter on the outside of the Rover.

My plan is to strip the doors and then take them to a local blasting yard to soda blast them.  Not sure if the order of removal I took is the right one, but I certainly got the stripped down. I started by pulling the galvanized trim and hinges off.  They came off quite easily by removing the bolts on the inside of the door.  The door latch came off next. The original bolts had been replaced by some large metal screws.  I will need to straighten that part of the door before refitting the door latch, just add it to the long list of things 'to-do'.

Once the trim was off it was time to take out the glass. I wasn't quite sure how to do this, the Haynes manual for the Rover is lacking in this description. So I searched the web for some more information and found a really good description thanks to TeriAnne Wakeman and her blog. You can find it at Replacing Land Rover rear sliding glass. I am going to try and order the Rocky Mountain kit as TeriAnne suggests as it appears like a good replacement.


It was a real challenge getting all the window slide channels out, especially the bottom one.  Water tends to sit in there and promote rot.  And all the dirt and grime sets in there as well.  I used penetrating oil on the screws and let them sit for a couple days. All but one refused to release its grip, the last one was drilled out. Here is the glass once it was out of the door.  I used a putty knife around the parts of the glass that had been sealed with DumDum. I was sure I was going to break the glass, but nope, managed to get it out in one piece, cleaned up and on a shelf safely waiting for the rebuild.
Here is al the bits laid out, I will be removing the paint using paint stripper and some steel wool to preserve the tin coating.
One of the other benefits of removing the trim from the door is I can see the original Highway Yellow paint, unfazed by the sun.  I put it up against the test patch I sprayed on the front wing and the colour looks like a pretty good match.  I am going to go with it.

Alright, door stripped, now to clean up all the bits and put them away for the freshly painted door.  My plan is to take all of the body panels in at once to get soda blasted so it will be a while before I am ready to do that.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Outside article on the Series 11a

I found a great article written by a Land Rover owner about the relationship he has with his truck.  Its a great description of the reliability and simplicity of these vehicles.  Check it out at

"As a kid, Sean Gorman lusted after the 1961 Land Rover parked next to his grandparent’s house in the mountains above Boulder, Colorado. In fact, when he was 16, he told the owner he’d buy the truck if it ever went on sale. Four years later, it was his. “I took that thing all over Colorado,” he says. “It was my only car for years.” " - Grant Davis

An Ode to the 1961 Land Rover Series IIA

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A New Old Left Wing in Birmabright!

I was surfing the web looking for Land Rover parts and I came across the Alberta Land Rover Enthusiasts Club. They have a forum as well for projects, buying and selling parts, and events.  On there I got in contact with a guy who was interested in getting rid of some old body panels.  To make a very long story short, I picked up the used panel yesterday after work.

The condition of the fender is slightly better than mine and I think that between the two of them I should be able to make one decent wing.  Plus I wouldnt mind having some extra Birmabright available for patching and welding.

The story of Birmabright is an interesting one, there is a ton of information out there on the web.  I am going to attempt to weld it with my MIG, another reason for the spare panel.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Highway Yellow

The original colour of this Land Rover is Highway Yellow according to the Heritage Certificate.  I have sanded off some of the old paint layers in a few spots to confirm it and it was definitely Yellow under all those layers of blue house paint.  And Silver, And Red, and White and Yellow...

I took off the Transmission access cover and sanded down to the original paint as best I could without going right down to the metal. Underneath the poorly matched yellow, was the original Land Rover colour, LRC.561 or Highway Yellow, also called Telecom Yellow. Its a nice muted yellow that is going to look great on the Land Rover once it is finally redone. My local paint shop couldn't find the Land Rover code (LRC.561) so we did a colour match with the help of the panel.

The access panel is on the left in this picture, and there are two shades of yellow on it.  The middle of the panel is the correct original paint.  The edges are what it was repainted with at one time.  I test painted a small area on the front wing with the colour matched paint and I think it is a pretty good match to the original shade. Its going to look good in its proper yellow paint.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Bye Bye 'Roo' Bars

Not sure what the exact purpose for these bars on the Rover are.  I am guessing they were added for off roading, bracing against trees, that sort of thing.  Or could have been to protect the car in the event of  an unexpected deer crossing on the highway.  Anyway, they are hideous and they are coming off.

I got a new reciprocating saw for Christmas this year, so time to put it to use.  A heavy duty metal blade should do the trick.

Cut through those bars in a couple minutes, and they weigh a ton.  Starting to look like a proper Land Rover already.

Clutch rebuild

I got a little distracted, was busy building a bathroom in my garage.  Photo taken part way through the reno, its done now, fully functional urinal and sink.

Now that is out of the way, I can get back to this Land Rover.  I got the clutch rebuild parts from Pegasus.  The kit was reasonably priced, ended up being roughly $5 with shipping.

I also picked up a brake hone.  The first one I picked up was good for 3/4" and larger bores and ended up being to big.

So I ordered a hone on Amazon for "Import cars" and it worked for 1/2 bore and up. It de-glazed the cylinder with no issue.

The clutch pedal has been taken out as well, gave it a good soak, scraped off the rust and painted it with black tremclad.  These pics are the "before" shots...

Clutch is rebuilt, it can go back in the Rover.